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March 15, 2022

March 15, 2022

Readers– As I write this, the people of Ukraine are fighting for their freedom, their independence, their place in this world.  Humanity explores those very themes in the spaces that we call “museums.”  I wish as a website that we were equipped to offer a sweeping series of insights to this crisis, tying in the messages embedded in the exhibits across Europe.  Sadly, our skills in that regard fall short.  But, I hope that what we offer helps you with your own processing of this horrible moment.

We’re ambitious about continuing to offer our readers a glimpse into museums of all kinds throughout Europe.  To that end, we’ll be traveling through eight European countries, for eleven weeks, and visiting as many as 63 museums, for background work for this website.  We hope to meet museum staff, learn more about how we can help link the interested tourist with each museum, and simply enjoy each location and share that enjoyment.  Our travel dates are April 12, 2022, starting in Paris, and then touring counter-clockwise — from Paris to San Sebastian, Bilbao, Madrid, Grenada, and then Barcelona; across southern France through Monaco; throughout northern and central Italy including to Venice for the Biennale (not technically a museum, but significant and worth our time); through Switzerland and Austria; into Prague; then Berlin, Wolfsburg, Cologne, Trier, Aachen, and leaving finally from where we started– Paris.

You can follow the trip on Instagram We’ll be posting news of new exhibits, practical tips on getting to the museums themselves, interviews with staff (staff, please return our emails!), and hopefully even brief videos featuring tourists as they describe their museum visits in “reel” time.

In the meantime, we won’t only be updating through Instagram.  We’ll have new content on this website.  Have you looked at our Exhibits At A Glance for a current calendar of special exhibits across Europe?  How about our Spring and Summer Preview articles?  We’ll be supplementing these articles with more news and overviews, as the spring and summer unfold.

Thanks for following us!  You can contact me any time, at  Maybe we can even say hi to one another during this trip!

— Whitney

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